Enumerated data types
Ics_DataType is an
enum that defines the numeric representation
for the imels in the following values:
- Ics_unknown
- Ics_uint8:
unsigned char
- Ics_sint8:
signed char
- Ics_uint16:
unsigned short
- Ics_sint16:
signed short
- Ics_uint32:
unsigned int
- Ics_sint32:
signed int
- Ics_uint64:
unsigned long long
- Ics_sint64:
signed long long
- Ics_real32:
- Ics_real64:
- Ics_complex32:
{ float, float }
- Ics_complex64:
{ double, double }
Ics_Compression is an
enum that defines the compression method used
to store the imel data. These are the currently defined methods:
- IcsCompr_uncompressed
- IcsCompr_compress: Using the UNIX
compress utility, which uses LZW compression.
When setting this value for writing, it is automatically translated to
IcsCompr_gzip, which is a better method.
Files written with this method can be read, but only if all data is
read in one go. That is, block-wise reading is not supported. For more
flexibility, it is possible to manually uncompress
(gunzip is also able to do this) the .ids file
and edit the '.ics' header to read
compression uncompressed.
- IcsCompr_gzip: Using the
gzip compression method
(the zlib library must be linked to). The compression parameter
is a value between 0 and 9: 1 gives best speed, 9 gives best
compression, 0 gives no compression at all. A good value to use
is 6.
Ics_ByteOrder is an
enum used by
It defines the following values:
- IcsByteOrder_littleEndian
- IcsByteOrder_bigEndian
Ics_HistoryWhich is an
enum used by
It defines the following values:
- IcsWhich_First
- IcsWhich_Next
Ics_Format is an
enum used by the low-level interface functions
It defines the numeric representation in the following values:
- IcsForm_unknown
- IcsForm_integer
- IcsForm_real
- IcsForm_complex
Ics_FileMode is an
enum used internally by the high-level interface
functions to avoid the user doing something unexpected.
It defines the following values:
- IcsFileMode_read: Reading data and metadata allowed.
- IcsFileMode_write: Writing data and metadata allowed, reading metadata allowed.
- IcsFileMode_update: Reading and writing metadata allowed, reading data allowed.